Hometown Dabke

A few Novembers ago, upon realizing that I had no contract for the remainder of the dance season, I reluctantly, annoyedly moved back to my family’s home in Virginia. A ballet job hadn’t worked out for various reasons and I chose to leave mid-season. No part of me was proud or excited to move back home, to take up my job teaching at a local dance studio again, to reluctantly catch up over coffee with the people from my high school who never left our town. However, I forced myself to see this unexpected lull in my dance career as a time allotted to me in order that I may develop my other talents, pursue my other goals.

I decided to start taking classes at the university in my hometown, concluding that I might as well reawaken the academic in me while the dancer nursed her ego. The University of Mary Washington is a small, liberal arts school that was originally a women’s college. It sits on the edge of the historical downtown area of my hometown- Fredericksburg, Virginia. There, I decided to embark upon a new linguistic journey and begin learning Arabic. The reasons behind this choice aren’t really profound; Arabic had intrigued me as a language and culture for some time. With Middle Eastern conflicts dominating global news for my entire life, I foresaw Arabic fluency as an asset to a vast array of future, post-dance, professional endeavors.

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Are they wall or safeguard, these mountains? Las Vegas Reflections; Photo by author.

Las Vegas Reflections

Las Vegas Reflections is Emmie Strickland’s second piece for Cult of Americana

I spent 2016 living in a place beyond my wildest of dreams. I moved to Las Vegas hesitantly, sure that I would despise residing in the valley of flooding selfishness and greed. However, I soon encountered the unexpected undertow that Las Vegas has; an intriguing, Alice-down-the-rabbit-hole effect that steered me away from my preconceived ignorance about it. It’s the veiled true beauty of a city who constantly is painting herself with more and more outrageous makeup, and I got to see it. Then, I fell under its mysterious charm.

Most travelers who make their way to this carved out valley of pleasures of the flesh don’t make it past The Strip. Like a field of tranquilizing poppies, the throng of bright colors and lights, and the promises of a good time ensnare the majority Vegas’ guests, ensuring that they don’t see beyond the glittering hotel rooftops. Continue reading